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IF THERE BE TROUBLE, LET IT BE IN MY DAY, THAT MY CHILD MAY HAVE PEACE..Thomas Paine, "The Crisis" 1776, ("The Undefeated").

Arlen Specter likens American voters to ‘cannibals’

Posted by devildog6771 on May 15, 2012

Arlen Specter AFL CIO 2009

Arlen Specter AFL CIO 2009 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

From GLENN comes an interesting report on Arlen Spector! Spector is crying over spilt milk. Does Spector realize the Constitution gives all Americans the right to vote for whomever we feel can do the job? The extremism Spector speaks of is a public out cry over entrenched elected officials who lost their way and forgot who put them in office and why we put them their. Accountability is not extremism. Accountability is the public taking back its responsibility to monitor the work of our elected officials. Had elected officials done their jobs as elected to perform, the tea Party and the “radicals” Spector speaks of would not have had any election influence.

I became one of those radicals Spector talks about after hearing an elected official say ,”often the public doesn’t know what is best for the nation. So it is my job to do the right thing! for the nation!” I was furious at the official’s pompous attitude. Perhaps this official did not inform his constituents as mine, Randy Forbes, does on a regular basis. Go rest on your laurels Arlen. Maybe after a while it will come to you why you are just another citizen like the rest of us clowns you look down on!

Arlen Specter likens American voters to ‘cannibals’

Tea Party, if you needed any more evidence that you’re on the right track look no further than the latest comments from Arlen Specter. The former Senator, who was booted after flip flopping between the parties, is now going after GOP voters for wanting to boot Orrin Hatch in Utah. He claimed that Dick Lugar has already been ‘cannibalized’, and that Orrin Hatch was next. “The cannibals are devouring senators,” he warned. Glenn, of course, said this shows the Tea Party is just holding their representatives to the fire.

“The Republicans are freaked out. No matter what you want to say the Tea Party is not invisible,” Glenn said.

For further information on Spector’s voting record while in office and his political views, check out these source:
The US Congress Database on Arlen Spector
The Washington Post Arlen Spector News
Spector Switches Party H/T: The NY Times

*A while back Spector Jumped Party lines and became a Democrat, openly, again!! Spector began his political career in Pennsylvania as a Democrat

So come on Arlen, don’t cry sour grapes. We are working within the “system” as you and elected officials have developed it. You guys all think you are invincible in Congress. We have warned Congress for some time that as elections come up, public memory would not be forgotten. We warned both parties to do their elected jobs, the ones they took an oath for or be booted out! We consider you all have had adequate warning. Let these words be further fore warning of where the people stand with regard to “all’ elected officials!” None are immune from public scrutiny!!
DO YOU ALL BELIEVE US NOW? Or will you all continue to use blinders and conduct business as usual which is no longer going to be acceptable to “We the People!” “Read and HEED!”
I Thank God for patriots like Glenn Beck and the Tea Party every day as should we all!!

3 Responses to “Arlen Specter likens American voters to ‘cannibals’”

  1. Freedom, I concur. You are, as usual, right on target! my friend.

  2. I totallt agree w/you!

  3. Freedom, by the way said

    Before his defeat, Specter was a poster child for Term Limits. I am thrilled that we are making steps (baby, perpaps, but steps) to rid congress of career politicians like Spectar and Luger

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