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IF THERE BE TROUBLE, LET IT BE IN MY DAY, THAT MY CHILD MAY HAVE PEACE..Thomas Paine, "The Crisis" 1776, ("The Undefeated").

Archive for August, 2012

David Chalian of Yahoo! News gets booted for RNC, Isaac comment – Yahoo, one media source that has has ethics!

Posted by devildog6771 on August 30, 2012

David Chalian of Yahoo! News gets booted for RNC, Isaac, you watch and see if the left doesn’t have a field day over this. My congratulations to Yahoo for at least outwardly attempting to follow the ethical rules of journalism!!!

So many news sources are heavily slanted toward the left. They do not follow the “rules of ethical journalism” by presenting issues in an unbiased way as much as humanly possible.

Posted in Cost of Freedom, Journalism, People, Politics | Tagged: , , | 3 Comments »

Citizens United leader to Obama on new constitutional amendment: ‘Bring it on’

Posted by devildog6771 on August 30, 2012

Citizens United leader to Obama on new constitutional amendment: ‘Bring it on’

TAMPA, Fla. — After President Barack Obama suggested Wednesday that he wants a new constitutional amendment to overturn the landmark “Citizens United” Supreme Court ruling, Citizens United president David Bossie told The Daily Caller he has a message for the president: “Bring it on.”

“President Obama has never paid much attention to, nor cared much for, the founders’ intent,” Bossie said in a phone interview. “So they want to pass a constitutional amendment to overturn the First Amendment. That’s always what the anti-free-speech crowd is about. That’s what this is.”

“Citizens United is, pure and simple, a free speech case that the president and the left can’t handle because they can’t win the argument,” Bossie continued. “They can’t make their own political arguments and win them with the American people so they have to stifle speech. That is the only way the left has ever been able to win in America.” (RELATED: Obama floats constitutional amendment overturning Citizens United)

Ask yourself why the President wants a convention now? Are you aware that once a convention convenes the delegates are not required to adhere to the agenda their home state asked them to propose. They can do as they darn well please! They will most assuredly attempt to get their new re-written Constitution on the table. They may also try to push through the electoral College change they have worked on for ever and thus give Obama the presidency without an election! Do the research! these are both valid arguments against a convention at this time or anytime soon before we purge our government of all the “enemies within” through the ballot box! The only real fly in the ointment is “Soros and his money ”

Here’s another take on his reasons.:

Obama said Wednesday afternoon during an online event on that he wanted a new constitutional amendment to overturn the Citizens United ruling. “I think we need to seriously consider mobilizing a constitutional amendment process to overturn Citizens United,” Obama wrote. “Even if the amendment process falls short, it can shine a spotlight of the super PAC phenomenon and help apply pressure for change.”

Obama’s remarks came just one day after Citizens United premiered its new film “The Hope and The Change” at the Republican National Convention.

The film, which Stephen Bannon directed and Democratic strategists Pat Cadell and Kendra Stewart helped oversee, walks viewers through the stories of 40 Democrats and independents around the country who voted for Obama in 2008 but are now disappointed in their choice.

The former Obama supporters open up about how they believe he has failed on economic policies, health care and energy policy, and spends too much time and taxpayer money vacationing, golfing and enjoying other leisure activities.

Cadell said at the film’s RNC premiere that what’s shown in the movie “is what terrorizes the Obama campaign — not the attacks from Republicans and Romney.”


If you go to and look under Clinton and Soros you will find out all about the Democratic Super Pacs and how they are so intricately tied together it is almost impossible to decipher them to their source. That site has loads of information and supported references. It even shows how the Dems already knew about the Pac loophole in the latest “Campaign Finance Law ” before it wasenacted  and how Soros and other big money people took control of the Democratic party! Check it out. You will be very surprised. This latestploy by Obama is right out of Alinsky’s handbook, accuse the other side of what you’re doing until people start to believe you and deny your own wrong doing or words to this effect. You can read Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals” on-line and you can also but it on-line or in your favorite bookstore pretty cheap. You might consider buying “Nudge,” to see how else the Democrats are manipulating us by their own words. They feel they are doing us a favor! Right!! Didn’t Hitler also have the same delusions ans Gos complex?

Read on:

“It’s the voice of the people who voted for him and are disappointed,” Cadell said.

Bossie told TheDC that Obama’s call for a new constitutional amendment was timed to “stifle anyone in America from seeing this film.”

“They’re scared of the message,” Bossie said. “And instead of being able to answer the message, they want to squelch our speech and squelch our rights. And you know what? That’s just a cheap political trick to play toward his base, but the American people are smarter than him. For a so-called ‘constitutional attorney’ at Harvard, I don’t think he respects the Constitution.”

“They’re terrified of this film and of its message,” Bossie added. “They’re terrified that we have identified a soft underbelly of Barack Obama — a weakness, if you will — and that is with Democrats and independents who once supported him and are now not [supporting him]. Those are the keys to his re-election.”

Bossie said he fully expects the Democratic Party to adopt Obama’s call for an anti-Citizens United constitutional amendment into its platform at next week’s Democratic National Convention in Charlotte, N.C. But only far-left-wing Democrats, he said, the extreme wing of the party, will really support such an idea.

“I think it’s probably right that there are plenty of Democrats who would disagree with this [Obama’s proposals],” he said. “Smart Democrats, and we have plenty of them, don’t want to tinker with the Constitution. I think the American people and state legislatures would reject this soundly.”

“I’m more than happy to take him on on this case. I’m more than happy to take him on with a constitutional amendment. I say ‘bring it on,’ because it goes nowhere. And I think he knows it goes nowhere. It’s a cheap political ploy by him.”

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Citizens United leader to Obama on new constitutional amendment: ‘Bring it on’

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I think as voters we must become more vigilant and careful in gathering facts and information before we vote. Our nation’s rights and freedom depend on it!!

Posted in Constitutional Issues, Cost of Freedom, Democrats, election reform, Free Speech, Obama, Politics, Republicans, Serve and Protect the US Constitution, Socialism, The American Republic, The Enemy Within | Tagged: , , , | 1 Comment »

“Yes We Can!” should be “No We Can’t”

Posted by devildog6771 on August 29, 2012

Not too long ago the Democrats were squawking about poor taste in media attacks. They insisted on a return to civility. Of late there have been several political ads, “I approve this message ” or words to that effect by the President, accompanying them. These ads accuse Romney of committing a felony, running companies into the ground as he, Romney, gets richer, and other false allegations. ans innuendos! The Democrats have no positive record of accomplishments by Obama to refer to. Unemployment is sky-high, the economy is in a nose dive. Our national debt rises out of control daily The Obama campaign slogan of “Yes We Can!”ought to be changed to, “No We Can’t!

Did Obama and his hand packed cabal of extreme and may I say “old” revolutionaries and radicals failed at every turn to carry out their goal of a fundamentally new “America!”  Unlike the British in England we will not sit by and watch the nation of our founders die and our freedoms fade away. We will strike back in the polls and in every other way guaranteed BY OUR “OUTDATED CONSTITUTION!” or “literature demonstrative of the era”!  Obama and his minions can continue to rewrite our Constitution on their own; but, we Americans are not ashamed of our country and we honor our Constitution and hold it in the highest regard!  More and more Americans have figured lout your real intent! AFter the elections may I suggest you all go to other nations and sell your worn out failed ideology. As for us real Americans, we choose as “Scotsman Wallace shouted just before the executioner chopped off his limbs and head centuries ago, “FREEDOM!!!!!” 

What you and your cabal don’t seem to get is this, we believe in the “American Dream,” and all that it encompasses. We strive for it, teach it to our kids, and die for it when called to do so! I am not sure any of you understand the emotional bond we Americans who love our nation feel for America and all it stands for. Keep trying to tear it down and you will soon see the true seeds of freedom molded into every fiber of our being. Will you kil us all or imprison us all? Because that is what it will take to bring down our country. Consider yourselves lucky this failed system you all hate is the only reason you are still free much less alive. Anywhere else in the world you all would be executed or put in prison, after a trial of course!!

My last thought to you all is “HOW DARE YOU ALL, WHO TRY TO RUIN ALL THAT ‘IS” AMERICA  AND IS “GOOD” ABOUT AMERICA? you LITTLE PEOPLE!!!!   I pity you all!!!!   

We don’t worship the Alinsky’s and such people as we prefer tothink for ourselves. We support people like Scott Walker. You do remember him don’t you?

Posted in Democrats, NO You Can't, Obama, Political Correctness, Politics, Republicans, Yes You Can | Tagged: , , , | Leave a Comment »

Batttleship – The Movie – Awesome!

Posted by devildog6771 on August 29, 2012

Battleship came out yesterday in my area on cable. I thought it was awesome. It was full of non-stop action. The visual effects were also great.STory line and characters good! I especially liked the part of the movie where they made reference to the real “Battleship” game. Sorry, can’t go into detail without spoiling the movie for others.  If you get a chance, let me suggest this movie as a “must see!! I was engaged throughout the movie.

Posted in Fun, FYI, New movie | Tagged: , , , , | 7 Comments »